java language master

Java institute in Greater Noida

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At INCAPP, We do not only teach concepts, We make sure you able to understand and implement practicaly.

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Course Curriculum

MODULE -Java Language

Java is a versatile programming language used for developing a wide range of applications, from mobile apps and web applications to enterprise-level systems and server-side technologies. Known for its platform independence, security features, and strong memory management, Its object-oriented nature facilitates modular programming and reusable code, making it a staple in both academic teaching and professional software development.

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  • Introduction and History of Java
  • Features of Java
  • Compilation and Execution process
  • Java Platform Independency
  • Understanding JVM, JRE and JDK
  • Download and Install development tools
  • Creating first Java application using Command Line
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Tokens in Java
  • Gapping rule of Tokens
  • Literals
  • Data Types (Primitive and Non-Primitive)
  • TypeCasting (Upcasting & Downcasting)
  • Operators
  • Difference between printf, format, print and println
  • Getting Input from Keyboard
    • java.util.Scanner
  • Creating first Java application using IDE
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • if statement
  • if-else statement
  • Nested If-else statement
  • if-else-if statement
  • switch statement
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • for loop
  • while loop
  • do-while loop
  • Break and Continue Keyword
  • Nested Loop
  • Labeled break and continue
  • Pattern Printing
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Need of function
  • Types of function
    • Function with no argument and no return type
    • Function with argument and no return type
    • Function with no argument but return type
    • Function with argument and return type
    • Function with simple return keyword
  • Difference between Function and Method
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Understanding Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Who created OOP’s Concepts and Why?
  • Understanding OOP’s Concepts in real world
  • Defining your own class
  • Creating object of a class
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Understanding Encapsulation in Class
  • public and private access specifiers
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Need of static member
  • Static variable
  • Static method
  • Static initialize block
  • Static Vs Instance members
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Syntax of Constructor
  • Need of Constructor
  • Creating Constructor
  • Default Constructor
  • Types of Constructor
    • Non-Parameterized Constructor
    • Parameterized Constructor
  • Constructor Overloading
  • Constructor Chaining (this keyword)
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Syntax of Initialize Block
  • Need of Initialize Block
  • Creating Initialize Block
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Syntax of Inheritance
  • Need of Inheritance
  • Sub (child) and Super (parent) classes
  • Working of private member in Inheritance
  • Working of static member in Inheritance
  • Working of constructor in Inheritance
  • Working of initialize block in Inheritance
  • Constructor Chaining in Inheritance (super keyword)
  • This and Super as Member calling
  • Types of Inheritance
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Understanding Polymorphism
  • Need of Polymorphism
  • Compile-time Polymorphism
    • Method Overloading
  • Runtime Polymorphism
    • Method Overriding
    • Non-Primitive TypeCasting
  • Data Hiding
  • Method Hiding
  • Abstraction
    • Abstract class
    • Abstract method
    • 100% abstract class
  • Interface
    • Understanding need of Interface
    • Inheritance of interface in interface
    • Default and static method in interface
    • Private method in interface
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Understanding Final Keyword
  • Final Variable
  • Final Method
  • Final Class
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Syntax of Nested Class
  • Need of Nested Class
  • Non-Static Nested Class
  • Static Nested Class
  • Local Nested Class
  • Anonymous Nested Class
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Syntax of Lambda Expression
  • Need of Lambda Expression
  • Types of Lambda Expressions
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Understanding Package
  • Need of Package
  • Creating and using packages
  • Importing a Package (import keyword)
  • Understanding protected access modifier
  • Sub Packages
  • import static in packages
  • Predefined packages
  • Java Beans
  • Singleton Class
  • Covariant Return Type
  • Modules
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Syntax of Array
  • Need of Array
  • Creating Array
  • For-each loop
  • Operations on Array
  • Array passing in methods
  • Anonymous Array
  • Arrays class and methods
  • Non-Primitive Array( Array of Reference Type)
  • Multi Dimensional Array
  • Operations on Multi Dimensional Array
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Understanding String
  • Creating String using char Array
  • Creating String using String Class
  • String pool and heap memory
  • String Immutability
  • Methods of String Class
  • String Mutability
  • Understanding StringBuffer & StringBuilder
  • Methods of StringBuffer & StringBuilder Class
  • StringTokenizer
  • split() method of String
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Need of Wrapper Class
  • Boxing, Unboxing and AutoBoxing
  • Parsing the String into Primitives
  • Converting Primitives into String
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Var-args
  • Command Line Arguments (CLA)
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Understanding Exception
  • Types of error
  • Try and catch block
  • Nested try and catch block
  • Try with multiple catch
  • Handle multiple exception using single catch
  • Exception classes hierarchy
  • Finally block
  • Checked and Unchecked Exception
  • throw and throws keyword
  • Creating your own(custom) Exceptions
  • Try with Resource
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Understanding Collection Framework
  • Collection Interfaces
    • List
    • Set
    • Map
  • Collection Classes
  • For-each loop
  • Accessing collection via Iterator
  • Difference between ArrayList and Vector
  • Working with Maps
  • The Legacy Classes and Interfaces
  • Generic Collection
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • MultiTasking vs MultiThreading
  • Creating a Thread
  • Creating Multiple Threads
  • Understanding thread lifecycle
  • Suspending, Resuming and Stopping Threads
  • Synchronization
  • Inter Thread Communication (Wait and Notify)
  • Deadlock
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Understanding IO
  • Concept of Streams
  • Byte and Character Streams
  • Scanner Class with
  • Understanding System.out.println() method
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Understanding File IO
  • Reading data from file
  • Writing data to the file
  • Working with File IO Classes
    • FileInputStream
    • FileOutputStream
    • FileReader
    • FileWriter
    • PrintStream
    • PrintWriter
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Gui Application
  • Event Handling
  • Assignments and Interview Questions

  • Creating Executable software
  • Creating Setup wizard of your software

  • Project Work
MODULE -Advance Java

Advanced Java is geared towards the development of enterprise-level and web-based applications. It encompasses technologies like Servlets, JSP for web development, JDBC for database connectivity. Advanced Java is crucial for building robust and sophisticated server-side applications, making it a vital skill for developers in complex and large-scale project environments.

  • Understanding Java Editions
  • Static vs Dynamic Web Applications
  • Understanding Server and Browser
  • Understanding the terms :
    • Deployment
    • Domain Name
    • Hosting
  • Understanding Helping Program and Dynamic Page
  • Java Container
  • Java Server
  • Understanding Public folder structure
  • Creating first Web Application
  • Project Work

  • Understanding Servlet
  • Creating first Servlet based Web Application
  • Servlet LifeCycle
  • Understanding web.xml (Deployment Descriptor)
  • ServletRequest and ServletResponse Interface
  • GenericServlet Class
  • HttpServlet Class
  • Project Work

  • Need of JDBC
  • DataBases
    • Oracle DataBase Server
    • MySQL DataBase Server
  • JDBC Drivers
  • Understanding DriverManager Class
  • Statement Interface
  • Performing Database CURD Operations
  • ResultSet Interface
  • PreparedStatement Interface
  • ResultSetMetadata Interface
  • Transactions [commit() and rollback() methods]
  • Creating Web Application using JDBC
  • Project Work

  • Understanding the role of ServletConfig
  • Understanding the role of ServletContext
  • Implementing ServletConfig & ServletContext
  • Project Work

  • Understanding SendRedirect method
  • Implementation of SendRedirect
  • Understanding RequestDispatcher Interface
  • Implementation of RequestDispatcher
  • Project Work

  • Setting and Getting scope attributes
  • ServletRequest Scope
  • ServletContext Scope
  • Project Work

  • Understanding the Session
  • Understanding HttpSession interface
  • Setting and Getting attributes in HttpSession
  • Session Handling
  • Project Work

  • Understanding the Cookies
  • Setting and Getting the cookies
  • Working with cookies in browser
  • Project Work

  • Hidden Form Field
  • Url Rewriting
  • Project Work

  • Understanding Filter
  • Filter with a Servlet
  • Multiple Filters with a Servlet
  • Filter with multiple Servlets
  • Filter with a Filter
  • Project Work

  • Understanding Listener
  • ServletContext Listener
  • HttpSession Listener
  • Project Work

  • Understanding JSP
  • LifeCycle of JSP
  • First Web Application Using JSP
  • JSP Implicit Objects
  • Project Work

  • JSP Scriptlet Tag <% %>
  • JSP Expression Tag <%= %>
  • JSP DeclarationTag <%! %>
  • JSP CommentTag <%-- --%>
  • Project Work

  • Request
  • Response
  • Config
  • Application
  • PageContext
  • Page
  • Out
  • Session
  • Exception
  • Project Work

  • Using Try Catch
  • Using ErrorPage Attribute
  • Using XML Mapping
  • Project Work

  • JDBC in jsp page
  • CURD Operations
  • Project Work

  • Syntax of JSP Action
  • Need of JSP Actions
  • Type of JSP Actions:
    • Forward Action
    • Include Action
    • Param Action
    • UseBean Action
    • SetProperty Action
    • GetProperty Action
  • Understanding MVC
  • Project Work

  • Understanding Custom Tag
  • Working with Custom Tag
  • Project Work

  • Understanding JSTL
  • Working with JSTL
  • Project Work

  • Understanding EL
  • Working with EL
  • Project Work

  • File Uploading to server database
  • File Downloading from server database
  • Working with images, pdf and videos from server database
  • Project Work

  • Understanding Mail API
  • Sending mail using Gmail server

  • Project Work

  • Eclipse IDEs

  • Apache Tomcat Server

How We Help You To Learn Coding

INCAPP is a leading coding institute committed to providing high-quality training programs to students, professionals, and organizations. We aim to empower individuals with the coding skills to achieve personal and professional growth and help organizations enhance the productivity and effectiveness of their workforce.

Expert Instructors

Top-class instructors, experts in their fields, teach through practical training.


Understand all concepts through well-structured assignments.

Doubt Resolution

Dedicated assistance provided to clarify doubts, featuring two types of instructors: Class Instructor and Lab Instructor.


Gain a comprehensive understanding of the technology through project work, guided by your instructor.


Outstanding students deserve the finest learning environment. At INCAPP, we guarantee a superior learning experience and personalized support to ensure your success.

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