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DSA institute in Greater Noida

Best DSA training institute in greater noida.

At INCAPP, We do not only teach concepts, We make sure you able to understand and implement practicaly.

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Course Curriculum

Data Structures and Algorithms are fundamental concepts in computer science used for efficiently organizing, managing, and processing data. Data structures like arrays, linked lists, trees, and graphs enable efficient data storage and retrieval, while algorithms provide step-by-step procedures for solving problems and performing computations. Their study is crucial for developing optimized and efficient software solutions, crucial for tasks like data analysis, problem-solving, and system design. Understanding these concepts is essential for any programmer or software engineer to write better-performing and resource-efficient code.

  • Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Types of Data Structures
  • Types of Algorithm
    • Simple Algorithm
    • Condition Algorithm
    • Iterative Algorithm
    • Recursion and Recursive Algorithm
  • Recursion
  • Time and Space Complexity
  • Operations on DS
  • Problem Solving

  • Array Introduction
  • Insertion Operation
    • Insertion at the End
    • Traversing an array
    • Insertion at the specified index
  • Deletion Operation
    • Deletion from the End
    • Deletion from the specified index
  • Problem Solving

  • Introduction to Linked List
  • Types of Linked Lists
    • Singly Linked List
    • Singly Circular Linked List
    • Doubly Linked List
    • Doubly Circular Linked List
  • Introduction to Singly Linked List
    • Traversing nodes
    • Insertion at the End node
    • Insertion at Begin node
    • Insertion at Specified node
    • Deletion from the End node
    • Deletion from the Begin node
    • Deletion of Specified node
  • Introduction to Singly Circular Linked List
    • Traversing nodes
    • Insertion at the End node
    • Insertion at Begin node
    • Insertion at Specified node
    • Deletion from the End node
    • Deletion from the Begin node
    • Deletion of Specified node
  • Introduction to Doubly Linked List
    • Traversing nodes
    • Insertion at the End node
    • Insertion at Begin node
    • Insertion at Specified node
    • Deletion from the End node
    • Deletion from the Begin node
    • Deletion of Specified node
  • Introduction to Doubly Circular Linked List
    • Traversing nodes
    • Insertion at the End node
    • Insertion at Begin node
    • Insertion at Specified node
    • Deletion from the End node
    • Deletion from the Begin node
    • Deletion of Specified node
  • Problem Solving

  • Introduction Stack
  • Operations on Stack
    • Push
    • Pop
    • Traverse
  • Array Stack
  • Linked Stack
  • Problem Solving

  • Introduction to Queue
  • Operations on Queue
    • Enqueue
    • Dequeue
    • Traverse
  • Array Queue
  • Linked Queue
  • Circular Queue
  • Priority Queue
  • Problem Solving

  • Introduction to Searching
  • Linear Search
  • Binary Search
  • Problem Solving

  • Introduction to Sorting
  • Bubble Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Radix Sort
  • Counting Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Heap Sort
  • Problem Solving

  • Introduction to Hashing
  • Collision in Hashing
  • Collision Resolution
  • Hashtable
  • Operations on Hashtable
    • Creation
    • Insertion
    • Traversing
    • Deletion
    • Searching
  • Problem Solving

  • Introduction to Graph
  • Graph Representation
  • Graph Traversal
  • Problem Solving

  • Breadth First Search (BFS) Algorithm
  • Depth First Search (DFS) Algorithm
  • Minimum Spanning Tree
  • Greedy Algorithms
    • Kruskal's Algorithm
    • Prim's Algorithm
  • Dijkstra's Algorithm
  • Problem Solving

  • Introduction to Tree
  • Examples of Tree
  • Binary Tree Traversal
    • In-order Traversal
    • Pre-order Traversal
    • Post-order Traversal
  • Examples of Binary Tree Traversal
    • Full Binary Tree
    • Perfect Binary Tree
    • Complete Binary Tree
    • Degenerate or Pathological Tree
    • Skewed Binary Tree
    • Balanced Binary Tree
  • Binary Search Tree (BST)
  • Problem Solving

  • Problem Solving

  • Problem Solving

How We Help You To Learn Coding

INCAPP is a leading coding institute committed to providing high-quality training programs to students, professionals, and organizations. We aim to empower individuals with the coding skills to achieve personal and professional growth and help organizations enhance the productivity and effectiveness of their workforce.

Expert Instructors

Top-class instructors, experts in their fields, teach through practical training.


Understand all concepts through well-structured assignments.

Doubt Resolution

Dedicated assistance provided to clarify doubts, featuring two types of instructors: Class Instructor and Lab Instructor.


Gain a comprehensive understanding of the technology through project work, guided by your instructor.


Outstanding students deserve the finest learning environment. At INCAPP, we guarantee a superior learning experience and personalized support to ensure your success.

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Project-Based Learning

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